Head Pastor, Mcveytown Presbyterian Church, Mcveytown, Pennsylvania

Listed: 04-01-23

Employer:Mcveytown Presbyterian Church, 5 N. Queen Street P.O. Box 323, Pennsylvania | (717) 899-6712

Location: Mcveytown, Pennsylvania

Position: Full-time

Webpage http://mpc17051.byethost33.com/?i=1

Contact: Name Jacob W. Harper

Job Description

Description of Mcveytown Presbyterian Church


1. What is the congregation’s or organization’s vision for ministry? Additionally describe how this vision is lived out.

Our job is to love God and one another. McVeytown Presbyterian Church is an ordinary church with ordinary people following an extraordinary Savior. The beauty of our church is faithfulness to the truth and the love for people.

We want to be who God wants us to be – no more, no less. We want to be more like Christ. Jesus Himself was the perfect example of what He wants His church to be like. Jesus was steadfast in His devotion to God’s Word. He was equally committed to compassion, mercy, and love.

a. Worship

  1. Sunday School Program

  2. Music Ministry 1. Adult

    2. Children

b. Fellowship

  1. Hebrews: Weekly fellowship following Sunday Worship Service.

  2. Presbyterian Women

  3. Weekly Bible Study

  4. Monthly Game Night

  5. Monthly Youth Activities (3 – 6 Grades)

c. Evangelism

  1. Monthly Free Community Luncheons

  2. Thanksgiving/Easter Meals

  3. Christmas

    1. Christmas Giving Tree: Every year the Deacon’s sponsor a local charity

      and create ornaments of need and church members purchase those items.

    2. Operation Christmas Child: https://www.samaritanspurse.org/what-we-


    3. Bethlehem Village: Through interactive involvement, come experience

      the bustling village market place with Middle Eastern food samples and wares. As you travel through darkened streets, try to evade the oppressive

      and controlling Roman soldiers. In the midst of the hustle and bustle and the reign of the Roman soldiers, be sure to find and visit Mary and Joseph as they make their way to oblige their civic duty and register for Caesar Augustus’ census of the Roman Empire. You will be entertained and moved as you experience what Bethlehem may have been like on the historic and reverenced night of Jesus’ birth.

      d. Mission

      1. Outreach to Low Income Families

      2. Annual Mission Trips (Domestic and International)

        2. How do you feel called to reach out to address the emerging needs of your community or constituency?

        McVeytown Presbyterian Church is an alive congregation. If we foresee a need, we prepare for it. If we see a need, we meet it. This can be seen in an array of programs through our congregation and specifically on our board of Deacons. We are currently trying to navigate the best way(s) to enhance the spiritual formation for young adults (45 and younger), youth and children. Additionally, we are trying to elevate our communication with congregants and our community. We are exploring ways to meet the multigenerational worship preferences that exist within our congregations of faith. While we are financially blessed, gratitude-based giving can be hampered by the financial blessings that we are afforded. Support and expertise in encouraging and nurturing faith-based giving is needed.

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Associate Pastor of Youth and Children, Trinity Presbyterian Church, Pensacola, Florida


Associate Pastor of Families, Children, and Youth, Patuxent Presbyterian Church, California, Maryland