Planned Giving: A Lasting Legacy

Generosity comes in many forms, and planned giving is one. 

Invest in the future of theological education with McCormick Theological Seminary by adding us in your planned giving.  Investing in McCormick through your planned giving is more than a financial decision. It is a continuation of your legacy.

Planned gifts are essential to the stability and growth of McCormick.  Your gift helps with educational formation of women and men who completely engage in church and society. They are of our future leaders, preachers, teachers, and activists.  

When you establish your planned gifts to McCormick, you become a member of the Heritage Society. This is a donor society established to express appreciation to a special group of seminary supporters-alumni/ae and friends who have provided for the continued wellbeing of the seminary through their estate and financial plans.

It is the gifts we receive from alumni/ae and friends like you that make a difference in the lives of countless people for generations to come. If you would like to start the process of including McCormick in your estate plans please download the pdf form for sample language used in planned giving. 

Download Form Here.

If you have any questions please contact:

Stephanie Moore

Director of Development


Any advice given or information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice.  For such advice, please consult your attorney or tax advisor.