Certificate in Environmental Leadership and Ministry

A practical, interactive, cross-disciplinary program for clergy and lay leaders discussing Environmental Ministry in terms of the State of Creation, Biblical Foundations, Theological Foundations and Christian Ethics.

The Certificate in Environmental Leadership will next be held May 24-27, 2022

In partnership with Faith in Place, McCormick Theological Seminary offers the Certificate in Environmental Leadership and Ministry – an interactive, cross-disciplinary approach to conversation about faith and the environment. Together, we provide a unique partnership for environmental study and practice. Our goal is to equip religious leaders with tools to further sustainable and just practices in their own ministry contexts. All students will be guided in a final project that explores an in-depth issue or practice within their current ministry.

Who should attend?

Pastors and religious educators concerned about ecological challenges who wish to learn more;

People of faith who seek a deepened understanding of the earth's ecosystems and our Christian call to shape policy to heal the world;

Congregational and Community leaders committed to responding to our ecological challenges from a faith perspective;

Directors of mission, outreach, and creation care looking for deeper biblical and theological practices in stewardship of the earth.

What are the topics and who are the instructors? 

The program will focus on four major themes and include presentations, discussions, and off-site learning. Instructors are subject to change.

Biblical Foundations: Recovering Creation

Dr. Theodore Hiebert,
Francis A. McGaw Professor of Old Testament, Emeritus
McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, IL

Reexamine nature's place in the Scriptural roots of our faith. Beyond finding green texts, this component cultivates a new way of reading biblical texts to recover the core role of nature in biblical thought. Also included will be resources for using the bible in study, reflection, preaching, and worship.

Theological Foundations: A Down to Earth Approach to Eco-Justice

The Reverend Dr. Anna Case-Winters,
Professor of Theology,
McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, IL

Explore theological themes and foundations for the work of eco-justice. How do we think about God in relation to the natural world? How may human beings “know our place” with and within nature? Considered responses to these theological questions can transform our relationship to the natural world and deepen our commitment to care for creation.

Practical Approaches: Empowerment Organizing

The Reverend Brian Sauder,
Executive Director,
Faith in Place (www.faithinplace.org)

How can people of faith care for the Earth in ways that are concrete, practical, and effective? Explore creative ideas, resources, and training for education, connection, advocacy, and concrete steps for "greening the church." People of faith can come together and stand together to change things.

Practical Approaches: Come and See

Veronica Johnson
Outreach Director
Faith in Place (www.faithinplace.org) 

Field Trips will help us understand the eco-justice challenges in the Chicago area such as environmental racism.  We will also see signs of hope for change in creative initiatives for promoting solidarity, sufficiency, and sustainability in our communities.

What’s required to enroll?

An open and inquiring mind and a commitment to collegial learning and practice;

Your leadership experiences and challenges in a congregational, institutional, or non-profit place of ministry;

A bachelor’s degree (highly recommended), but no advanced degree is required;

Note: Students currently enrolled in an MDiv or DMin program are eligible to receive academic credit in connection with the Certificate.

To complete the program, students must attend the weeklong intensive session May 24-27, 2022, and complete all reading and writing assignments, as well as a capstone project and final paper.

Sessions will be held in a simultaneous dual format, online and at McCormick Theological Seminary.

Certificate tuition is $900. Applications will be accepted beginning October 15, 2021 and will continue to be accept if received or postmarked by March 15, 2022.

For questions, please contact Courtney Jacobson at cjacobson@mccormick.edu

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