Solo Pastor, ​Little Chapel on the Boardwalk ​​Presbyterian Church, Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina

Listed: 6-5-23

Employer: Little Chapel on the Boardwalk ​​Presbyterian Church, 2 West Fayetteville Street Wrightsville Beach, NC, | (910)-256-2819

Location: Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina

Position: Full-time


Contact: Little Chapel

Job Description: Job Description

Description of


Summary of the position

The pastor will:

·         Provide spiritual leadership through Sunday worship and special services.

·         Administer the sacraments of Communion and Baptism and officiate weddings and funerals.

·         Pray with and for the congregation.

·         Perform pastoral care duties such as visitations and counseling.

·         Serve as Head of Staff, providing supervision, leadership and direction for church operations.

·         Moderate Session meetings and support the Diaconate and committees. 

·         Represent our church within our community and with other faith leaders.

·         Support sound financial practices.

·         Communicate effectively and regularly with church members.

·         Build upon existing community and global outreach.

·         Embrace technology to extend Little Chapel’s reach.

·         Expand our youth and adult faith education; fellowship and inter-generational programs.

We are looking for a pastor who:

· Preaches creative, scripture-based sermons and leads the congregation in meaningful traditional and alternative worship.

· Shepherds our congregation with love and compassion to enfold us into the body of Christ and to help meet our spiritual needs by living the Word in everyday life.

· Values collaboration and team building with lay leaders and the congregation, and deals with conflict and criticism with an open mind.

· Demonstrates organization but has the ability to be flexible and can adapt when necessary.  Exhibits diplomacy, confidence and a sense of humor.

· Embraces our past traditions while exploring innovation and new opportunities with a strategic mindset which can help us plan for the future.

· Builds bridges with other faith leaders and the community to form partnerships to develop spiritual programs and ministries.

· Provides the insights and enthusiasm to appeal to young families and grow our youth programs.

Job listings submitted by third parties are not verified by McCormick Theological Seminary. If you have a job you would like to see listed here send the details to


Director of Youth and Children Ministries, ​First United Methodist Church of Park Ridge,Chicago, Illinois


Associate Pastor, Bloomington First Presbyterian Church, Bloomington, Indiana